Easing Health-Related Financial Stress: Resources for Support and Self-Care

Author : Kimberly Ryan, LCSW

As our physical health changes, it can often lead to financial stress, especially when unexpected expenses arise. Many individuals who face financial challenges may struggle in silence, unsure if any assistance is available. At Strive, we are dedicated to supporting you beyond your appointments, helping you access valuable resources to alleviate financial stress and prioritize your well-being. Discover the resources below that can empower you to focus on self-care during these challenging times.

211 Essential Community Services

Call 211 from your telephone



Assists elderly, disabled, and those who do not speak English in connecting to essential community resources like those below.
Area Agencies on the Aging

Find your local agency: 1-800-677-1116

Agency that coordinates services that help older adults navigate living independently. Assistance can consist of meal delivery, homemaker assistance, and other areas of need.
Community Action Agencies (CAAs)

Find your local agency: https://communityactionpartnership.com/find-a-cap/


Depending on the community, may offer assistance with: employment and employment-readiness training; food assistance; fuel and energy resources; emergency resources; housing information; and transportation assistance.
Extra Help Program

Set up an appointment: 1-800-325-0778

Apply online: https://secure.ssa.gov/i1020/Ee001View.action


Medicare and social security program to assist individuals with limited income and resources in lowering or cutting Medicare Part D costs.
SNAP Benefits/Food Stamps

To find your local office or see if you may be eligible:



Food benefit for low-income families to supplement their grocery budget to afford nutritious food essential to their well-being.
Lifeline Phone and Internet

For more information and to apply:

(800) 234-9473



Lifeline helps individuals and families with low income get discounted telephone or internet service.
Meals on Wheels America

Find a Local Provider:



Program aimed at assisting individuals with diminished mobility that makes it difficult to shop or prepare meals on their own.

For more information or to apply:

Toll-free: 877-267-2323



Program that provides free or low-cost health coverage to some low-income people, families and children, pregnant women, the elderly, and people with disabilities. Some people are “dual eligible” meaning that they qualify for both Medicare and Medicaid and save on co-pays and prescriptions as well as gain access to services such as transportation.
Utility Assistance Programs (Energy)

Contact local offices using links below:

LIHEAP – https://www.acf.hhs.gov/ocs/map/liheap-map-state-and-territory-contact-listing

WAP- https://www.energy.gov/scep/wap/how-apply-weatherization-assistance

Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and Weatherization Assistance Programs (WAP) help pay for heating, cooling, and weatherization assistance as well as offer guidance or assistance for disconnection.
Pharmaceutical Assistance Programs (Medications)

Check for a pharmaceutical program for a specific medication:


Check your state’s offerings:



Some pharmaceutical companies offer programs to help pay for prescriptions for people enrolled in Medicare Part D and many states offer assistance programs for prescriptions and drug plan premiums.
Public Housing Authority



Government program that help people with low income find affordable housing.

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