Taking a Step Forward: Living with CKD and Depression

Author : Sherrie Goldstein, MS

Are you living with kidney disease and feeling sad or down? Please know you are not alone. Many people with CKD feel this way. It’s important to know that it’s normal, and there are ways to feel better.

Living with CKD can be hard. It can make you feel worried, tired, and lonely. You may also feel stressed about money or keeping up with treatments. All of this can make you feel sad.

It’s important to take care of your body and mind. Here are some ways to do that:

  1. Talk to your provider. They can help you find someone to talk to, like a counselor.
  2. Try therapy. It can teach you to deal with your feelings and manage negative thoughts.
  3. Ask your provider about medicine and see if it could help you feel better.
  4. Try to keep doing things you enjoy and spend time with family and friends even if it is hard.

The best thing you can do for yourself is ask for help. It’s okay to need support, and getting help could make you feel better. According to the National Library of Medicine, 20% of people living with CKD experience depression at higher rates than the general population and this can lead to more negative health outcomes. It’s important to take care of yourself. If you need help here are some resources, you can get started with:

  • Call your provider and express your concerns
  • If you’re eligible to be a Strive Health patient or are one, please call us and we can help support you.  Call: 844-507-0733.
  • If you feel like harming yourself, please visit your local emergency room, call your local police department, or call the crisis hotline at 988.


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